Simply motorcycle has one simple mission – we want to be the most comprehensive and practical motorcycle website around.
We produce 100% original content and all our writers are bikers themselves. We ride the same bikes as you and we use the same gear.
We strive to:
- Provide practical and accurate advice
- Provide simple and easy to follow how-to’s
- Provide unbiased gear reviews
Meet The Team
Christian Monson

Christian is a native of the Ozarks where he grew up on Bikes, Blues & BBQ.
Now, when he’s not writing about what he loves, from motorcycles to ancient history, he’s out riding his Harley Street 750 through the Serra de Tramuntana mountains in Mallorca, where he lives with his wife.
Martin Parker
Martin has been a biker all his life, passing his bike test years before taking to four wheels!
He cut his teeth on 2-strokes, including a 350 YPVS and an RD500. In the garage currently is an SV1000S and an R1150GS. Oh, and the wife has a Fazer 400. If he ever earns enough, he wants another 2-stroke of some sort, but the prices are getting crazy.
While not riding bikes, he loves offshore sailing, skiing, and snowboarding. Martin lives in Cyprus, where he runs his property management business while not writing website content, the lucky so and so!
Emily Rabone
Emily is passionate about 3 main things, motorcycles, guitars and books.
She spends her days riding, writing about and illustrating motorcycles.
Somewhere in between, she beats away on her guitars and puts her creativity to work in endless ways.
Paul Simpson, Editor
Paul works with our writers to bring you new content and generally runs things around here. Also to be found rebooting servers and swearing at the monitor.
Rides: A mountain bike (saving up for an old-school Vespa!)